Redistribution of Congestion Income from SDAC

Redistribution of Congestion Income from SDAC after go-live of  CORE Flow-Based Market Coupling

Redistribution of Congestion Income from SDAC on the borders SE4-PL, LT-PL and within Core CCR due to allocation constraints applied by PSE

Congestion Income values resulting from Single-Day-Ahead-Coupling on the Polish-Lithuanian and Polish-Swedish borders and calculated according to the methodology in accordance with  art. 73 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 on the borders within Core CCR are redistributed between TSOs from aforementioned borders. The redistribution is performed on monthly basis in order to ensure that congestion income share is not distorted by unintuitive flows due to the allocation constraints applied by PSE. The final values of Congestion Income for each MTU after redistribution are published after each month on PSE’s website.



January FebruaryMarch | April | May



January | February March | April | May June | July | AugustSeptember | October | November | December 



9-30 June | July | August September October | November | December



Redistribution of Congestion Income from SDAC during the period of Interim Market Coupling Project

Final values of Congestion Income from Day-ahead market on PSE’s borders.

Congestion Income values resulting from Single-Day-Ahead-Coupling on the Polish-Lithuanian, Polish-Swedish, Polish-German, Polish-Czech and Polish-Slovak borders were redistributed  between TSOs from aforementioned borders in order to avoid negative value of final Congestion Income on a given border for any TSO for any Market Time Unit (MTU) and to ensure, that final Congestion Income on Polish borders reflects all market flows (including transits), as of the Go-live of Interim Market Coupling Project. Therefore, the final values of Congestion Income for each MTU after redistribution were published after each month on PSE’s website.



January | February | March | April | May | 1-8 June



June | July August | September | October | November | December