TSO Announcements

30 January 2023, 11:25

2023) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 30 th January 2023 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.03.2023 – 31.03.2023. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on 220 kV line Zamość‑Dobrotwór - PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection, organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2023 ” ). Therefore today, i.e. 30 th ...


28 December 2022, 12:15

2023) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 28 th December 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.02.2023 ‑ 28.02.2023. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on 220 kV line Zamość‑Dobrotwór - PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection, organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2023 ” ). Therefore today, i.e. 28 th December...


2 December 2022, 14:36

2023) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 2 nd December 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.01.2023 ‑ 31.01.2023. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on 220 kV line Zamość‑Dobrotwór - PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection, organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2023 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 2 nd December...


2 November 2022, 09:42

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 2 nd November 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.12.2022 ‑ 31.12.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 2 nd November 2022, starts the process of...


26 October 2022, 12:13

PSE informs that as of October 28, 2022 comes into force, in accordance to the regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of September 27, 2022 amending the regulation on the detailed conditions for the operation of the power system, the mechanism for adjusting the offer prices in the Balancing Energy Offer up to the value of the maximum offer price (MaxCO), on the terms set out in the above-mentioned regulation. Due to the rules of the process of submitting...


6 October 2022, 14:16

PSE informs that the rules for determining the imbalance settlement selling price (CROs) and the imbalance settlement purchase price (CROz) will change as of 8 October, 2022. According to the regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of September 27, 2022 amending the regulation on the detailed conditions for the operation of the power, as of October 8, 2022 the CROs and CROz prices will be determined according...


26 September 2022, 11:05

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 26 th September 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.11.2022 ‑ 30.11.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 26 th September 2022, starts the process of...


2 September 2022, 16:27

9.2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 2nd September 2022 starts the unilateral additional auction for period from 7th September to 18th September 2022 as an addendum to the process of a unilateral monthly auction for the transmission capacity of PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO interconnection for September 2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Auction Rules shall be applied to this unilateral additional auction for period from 7th September to 18th September 2022 with amendments resulting from announcement of...


30 August 2022, 13:53

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 30 th August 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.10.2022 ‑ 31.10.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ” ). Therefore today, i.e. 30 th August 2022, starts the process of...


26 July 2022, 10:41

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 26 th July 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.09.2022 ‑ 30.09.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 26 th July 2022, starts the process of registration...


27 June 2022, 13:25

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 27 th June 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.08.2022 ‑ 31.08.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 27 th June 2022, starts the process of...


21 June 2022, 12:06

PSE as Transmission System Operator in Poland informs that starting from go-live of CORE Flow-Based Market Coupling project (8th June 2022) long-term cross-zonal capacities on borders between Poland-Germany (50Hertz), Poland-Czech Republic, Poland -Slovakia are allocated to market participants in the form of Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs). FTRs have been offered for the first time within monthly auction process...


30 May 2022, 09:37

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 30 th May 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.07.2022 ‑ 31.07.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 30 th May 2022, starts the process of...


27 April 2022, 13:11

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 27 th April 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.06.2022 ‑ 30.06.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 27 th April 2022, starts the process of...


30 March 2022, 12:08

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 30 th March 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.05.2022 ‑ 31.05.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 30 th March 2022, starts the process of...


9 March 2022, 12:24

With reference to the announcement published on 3 January 2022, PSE S.A. informs that as of 9 March 2022, it started the publication of Urgent Market Massages (UMM) on the national Inside Information Platform (IIP) operated by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at www.gasinsideinformationplatform.pl , regarding planned and actual unavailability of transmission infrastructure affecting the volume of cross-border transmission capacity. At the same time, PSE S.A. informs that the...


25 February 2022, 15:21

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 25 th February 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.04.2022 ‑ 30.04.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “ Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 25 th February 2022, starts the process of...


25 January 2022, 09:33

2022) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., acting as Auction Office, informs that on 25 th January 2022 starts the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the Polish-Ukrainian interconnection for the reservation period: 01.03.2022 ‑ 31.03.2022. We inform, that PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website Auction Rules ( “Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2022 ”). Therefore today, i.e. 25 th January 2022, starts the process of...


3 January 2022, 12:12

PSE S.A. informs that on 3 January 2022 starts to publish Urgent Market Messages (UMM) in the form of UMM Messages - other urgent market information on the national IIP Platform (Inside Information Platform) operated by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. at www.gasinsideinformationplatform.pl . Information on planned and actual unavailability of transmission grid affecting the volume of cross zonal capacities is published on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform under the Unavailability...


28 December 2021, 14:56

Due to insufficient level of capacity reserves in the National Power System resulting from unavailability of generation units, long-term transmission rights allocated in the monthly auction in export direction for the trading day 29.12.2021 on the Poland - Germany, Poland - Czech Republic, Poland - Slovakia interconnections have been curtailed. The new volume of long-term transmission rights during the restricted hours is: 29.12.2021...
