5 June 2023, 15:01
Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. (hereinafter: “PSE”), acting as Auction Office, informs that according to Auction Rules (“Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on 400 kV line Rzeszów-Chmielnicka - PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection, organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2023”) on our website under the bookmark Cross-Border Electricity Exchange – Auction Office – Rzeszów-Chmielnicka Interconnection - Auction announcement the document “Announcement of unilateral auction of transmission capacities on the line 400 kV Rzeszów-Chmielnicka (Polish-Ukrainian interconnection) for July 2023" should be published on 5th June 2023.
However, due to the update of deadlines included in the schedule (Appendix 2 to the Auction Rules), PSE S.A. has published on PSE S.A. website updated Auction Rules (“Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on 400 kV line Rzeszów-Chmielnicka - PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection, organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2023”).
Postponement of deadlines is crucial for the offering of maximum available transfer capacity based on up-to-date analyses and avoidance of capacity curtailment. The updated schedule includes dates convenient for the auction participants.
The remaining provisions of the Auction Rules regarding procedures and activities related to bidding and providing capacity on the Rzeszów-Chmielnicka interconnection have not changed from the wording of the document published on 27/04/2023.
The updated Auction Rules will apply from the monthly auction organized by PSE for July 2023.
In accordance with the above Auction Rules update, PSE will organize the unilateral auction of the transmission capacities on the line 400kV Rzeszów-Chmielnicka (Polish-Ukrainian interconnection) for July 2023 in accordance with the Schedule (Appendix 2 to the Auction Rules).
Updated document “Rules for monthly auctions of transmission capacity on 400 kV line Rzeszów-Chmielnicka - PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO cross border interconnection, organized unilaterally by PSE S.A. in 2023” is available on PSE’s website under the bookmark CROSS-BORDER ELECTRICITY EXCHANGE – Auction Office (the border of PSE S.A. and NEK UKRENERGO) - Rzeszów-Chmielnicka Interconnection – Documents.
PSE S.A. informs, that other detailed information regarding allocation process of transmission capacities of aforementioned interconnection can be reached at auction.office@pse.pl or by calling +48 22 242 20 05 or +48 22 242 14 05.