Intraday market

Single Intraday Coupling

Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) is a market mechanism which offers market participants the opportunity to trade electricity near the delivery time. The intraday trading is performed after the day-ahead gate closure time up to an hour before the energy delivery. SIDC allows for cross-border matching of submitted energy buy and sell orders between the coupled bidding zones provided that there are available transfer capacities. SIDC consists of continuous trading and auctions.

In continuous trading cross-zonal capacity is allocated implicitly along with the energy product during execution of transactions which makes the process efficient. 

Auctions have been implemented by the introduction of the Intraday Auctions (IDA). There are three IDAs run for each delivery date using mechanisms currently utilised in the Single Day Ahead Coupling. The result of each IDA is a uniform auction price for every market area which allows pricing of cross-zonal capacities and sends a clear price signal to the market.

The development of the pan-European intraday market is dictated by, inter alia, the growing share of intermittent renewable energy sources what consequently increases interest in the energy trading as close as possible to the time of delivery. This makes it easier for market participants to balance their positions after the day-ahead gate closure, reduces costs, and allows to respond to unpredictable changes in demand or outages without having to settle imbalance on the balancing market.

See more:
ENTSO-E - Single Intraday Coupling
ENTSO-E Transparency - Offered Intraday Transfer Capacity Implicit
PSE - Cross-border exchange, Intraday market schedule


Updates on the SIDC initiative:

5.10.2021 - SIDC: Successful third wave go-live

24.11.2020SIDC: Expansion of 30 and 15 minute products and Revised Local Implementation Project 14 Go-Live 

09.07.2020A new Local Implementation Project established under SIDC

02.04.2020SIDC: Record Months and Welcoming New Members

17.01.2020Common PSE and Svk statement regarding SIDC (XBID) activation on PL-SE border

28.11.2019European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Parties confirm successful 2nd wave go-live 

08.11.2019European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) go-live

07.11.2019PSE and SEPS common statement on Intra-Day Market allocation on the Polish-Slovak border

13.06.2019XBID – 1st anniversary and announcement of 2nd Wave Go-Live