
Information package on the pre-auction

26 August 2024, 10:30

Information package on the pre-auction
Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. with its registered office in Konstancin-Jeziorna, acting as an operator within the Act of 8 December 2017 on Capacity Market (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 247, hereinafter referred to as the "Capacity Market Act") announced the date of pre-auction for the main auction for delivery year 2025, organised for the zone referred to in Article 6(6)(2) of the Capacity Market Act. Pre-auction for foreign capacity market units located within the territory of the Republic of Lithuania will take place on 24th August 2020.

During the pre-auction, foreign capacity providers compete with each other by offering capacity obligations on the Polish capacity market. After all offers have been submitted, they shall be  arranged based on price criterion and consecutively accepted by the operator until the maximum volume of capacity obligations to be procured in a given pre-auction is reached. According to §11 of the Regulation of the Minister of Climate of 6th August 2020 on parameters for the main auction for delivery year 2025 and the parameters for the additional auctions for delivery year 2022, maximum volume of capacity obligations to be procured from capacity market units located within the Republic of Lithuania during the pre-auction for the main auction for delivery year 2025 is 80 MW. Foreign capacity providers, whose offers have been accepted during the pre-auction, shall be eligible to participate in the main certification for the main auction for delivery year 2025 and in case of being granted with a certificate – to participate in the main auction for delivery year 2025.

Entities willing to participate in the pre-auction are obliged to establish a collateral equal to 43 PLN for each kW of capacity that is to be offered during the pre-auction. According to §3(8) of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy of 3rd September 2018 on the financial collateral to be provided by the capacity providers and the pre-auctions’ participants, collateral for the purpose of pre-auction shall be established solely in cash, by paying the appropriate amount into operator’s bank account PL56 1240 5918 1111 0000 4913 7468 (BIC: PKOPPLPW), no later than 3 days before the pre-auction – 21st August 2020. Bank transfer shall be titled “PREAUCTION_LT_capacity provider’s name”.

Pre-auction shall be conducted electronically, using dedicated IT system called “Portal Uczestnika Rynku Mocy - PURM” ( In order to access PURM, a personal account shall be established, which requires to submit an application containing user’s name, surname, e-mail address and active mobile phone number. Application for an account establishment shall be signed electronically using qualified electronic signature. What is more, all documents submitted through PURM (including pre-auction offers) shall be signed using a qualified electronic signature.

Participation in the pre-auction also requires user to be assigned with the bidder role in regard to capacity provider which he represents. Application to be assigned with the bidder role shall be submitted electronically through PURM and contain capacity provider’s identification data alongside with the power of attorney drawn according to the form of Appendix 4.3 to the Capacity Market Rules.

Account establishment, as well as submission of an application to be assigned with the bidder role is also possible before the pre-auction. At, one can find a package of necessary materials for pre-auction participants including:

  • PURM user manual describing the procedure of participation in the pre-auction including account establishment, submission of application to be assigned with the bidder role and submission of pre-auction offers (ENG),
  • Appendix 4.3 to the Capacity Market Rules – power of attorney (ENG),
  • Regulation of the Minister of Climate of 6th August 2020 on parameters for the main auction for delivery year 2025 and the parameters for the additional auctions for delivery year 2022 (ENG).