Major projects

Market area

Market Coupling

PSE, together with partners operating in Poland and other European countries, is actively involved in a number of projects aimed at launching and developing single market coupling mechanisms:

  • Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC),
  • Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC).

In the areas of SDAC and SIDC, activities are carried out to increase their geographical coverage, improve the mechanisms used and expand their functionality. Currently, these activities include, among others: (i) implementation of the Intarday Auctions (IDA) mechanism in the SIDC, (ii) implementation of 15-minute market time units (15min MTU) in the SDAC and SIDC areas, (iii) gradual implementation of the Flow-Based mechanism in the SIDC.

In order to provide a space for the exchange of information and discussion – between TSOs, NEMOs and market participants – of the most important issues in the area of design, development, implementation and operational activities of SDAC and SIDC, the Market Coupling Consultative Group (MCCG) was established. Meetings of the MCCG group are held periodically, at intervals of about six months.


Balancing Energy Exchange Platforms

PSE is actively working on the integration of balancing markets in Europe, in accordance with the EC's Electricity Balancing Guideline (EBGL), which provides for the implementation of four balancing energy exchange platforms:

  • European Platform for the Exchange of Balancing Energy from Replacement Reserves (RR) – as part of the TERRE implementation project;
  • European Platform for Balancing Energy from Non-Automatic Activation Frequency Restoration Reserves (mFRR) – as part of the MARI implementation project;
  • European Platform for the Exchange of Balancing Energy from Frequency Restoration Reserves with Automatic Activation (aFRR) – as part of the PICASSO implementation project;
  • A European platform for imbalance netting – as part of the IGCC implementation project.

We are active in all implementation projects of balancing platforms. Since February 2020, our company has been operational in the IGCC platform.

More about it you can find on the website.


Operational area

Synchronisation of Ukraine and Moldova

PSE has been involved in the project to expand the continental European system to synchronously include the systems of Ukraine and Moldova since the start of its work in 2016.

On 16 March 2022, i.e. less than a month after the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine, the systems of Ukraine and Moldova were synchronised with the continental Europe in an emergency.

In November 2023, after the Ukrainian power system operator Ukrenergo fulfilled all organizational and formal obligations, the permanent operation of the Ukrainian system within the synchronous system of continental Europe was approved. Since the beginning of 2024, Ukrenergo has been a full member of ENTSO-E.


Synchronisation of the Baltic States' systems

PSE is actively involved in the process of extending the synchronous system of the continental Europe to include the systems of the Baltic States – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, which are currently operating under the IPS/UPS system.

The process was launched in 2018. Their synchronisation is expected to take place in 2025.