Transactions on secondary market

The secondary market is a mechanism that allows capacity providers to transfer the capacity obligation of a capacity market unit in whole or in part to another capacity market unit, hereinafter referred to as a “secondary market transaction” - for a future part of the delivery period. Transactions on the secondary market are concluded by capacity providers in any form, without TSO participation.


According to Article 48 (2) (1) (b) of the Capacity Market Act (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2131, hereinafter “the Act”), transactions on the secondary market may be related to capacity market units comprising physical units located in the same zone referred to in Article 6 (6) of the Act, except that the capacity obligation of a cross-border capacity market unit could also be transferred to a unit located in the Polish electricity grid.


Capacity obligation IDs

List of capacity obligation IDs arising in capacity auctions 2021 - 2028.