Certification for the main auction and additional auctions

Certification for the main auction and for additional auctions are processes enabling PSE to verify the parameters of each capacity market unit and admit it to participate in the upcoming capacity auction. After the pre-auction, capacity providers whose offers were accepted in its course, may participate in the next capacity market process which is certification for the main auction or additional auctions.

Certification for the main auction shall start 14 weeks before the main auction, and shall end no later than in the 4th week before the main auction.

Certification for additional auctions shall start no later than 16 weeks before the additional auctions, and shall end no later than in the 4th week before the additional auctions.

During the certification for the capacity auction, capacity provider shall replace its offers, accepted during the pre-auction, with capacity market units comprising physical units. It is essential that a single pre-auction offer can be only replaced by a single capacity market unit.

The purpose of certification for the capacity auction is:


Instructions for submitting an application for main certification

Portal Uczestnika Rynku Mocy User Manual. Main certification process (Version 1.3)

The document describes in detail the main certification for foreign entities.

Guideline on participation in Polish capacity market for foreign capacity provider (Version: 1.3) 

The document describes the main rules regarding the participation of foreign capacity providers in the capacity market. The main certification is described in chapter 2.3.


The required appendices in the certification for physical cross-border units process are:

 Appendix 4.2 and 4.3

1. Powers of attorney, authorisations - appendix 4.3 (PL/ENG) of the capacity market regulations and in some cases appendix 4.2 (PL/ENG)

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.


In the certification for the capacity auction, in case the capacity provider is not the owner of the physical unit comprising the capacity market unit, the submission of an authorisation to dispose of the physical unit, drawn up in accordance with the template set out in appendix 4.2, is required.

Appendix 4.2 shall be filled in for each physical unit and shall be filled in as many copies as there are co-owners. If an entity owns more than one physical unit for which it intends to authorise the other entity to submit applications for certification and act in the role of capacity provider, then appendix 4.2 should be completed on one copy. To fill in the appendix for more than one physical unit, the table from page two according to footnote number 7 of appendix 4.2 shall be copied.


Submission of a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with appendix 4.3 is required if the capacity provider intends to authorise an individual to submit an application for certification.

The submission of a power of attorney drawn up in accordance with appendix 4.3 is not required in two cases:

- if the register user has submitted a power of attorney under any other capacity market processes demonstrating the authorisation to submit applications referred to in Article 15 of the Act and to perform other actions during the certification for the auction or

-when the natural person signing the application for certification is authorised to represent the capacity provider as a single person (resulting from an entry in the relevant register, articles of association/contract of the company or by operation of law).

Detailed rules for App 4.2 and App 4.3.

Table 1 contains a list of the required appendices for demonstrating authority to submit an application for certification in case the capacity provider is the owner of all the physical units comprising the capacity market unit.

Table 1

Legal form of capacity provider

The submitter of the application



Foreign entity

Single-person legal representative of the capacity provider in the relevant registry



Legal representative of the capacity provider



Natural person

The entity submits the application itself



Legal representative of the capacity provider



Limited liability company

Joint stock company

Limited partnership

General Partnership


Single-person legal representative of the capacity provider in the relevant registry



Legal representative of the capacity provider




Legal representative of the capacity provider



* the power of attorney document drawn up in the form of appendix 4.3 shall be signed by the partners of the civil partnership in accordance with the required representation specified in the partnership agreement.


Table 2 contains a list of the required appendices for demonstrating authority to submit an application for certification in case the capacity provider does not own any of the physical units comprising the capacity market unit.

Table 2

Legal form of capacity provider

The submitter of the application



Foreign entity

Single-person legal representative of the capacity provider in the relevant registry



Legal representative of the capacity provider



Natural person

The entity submits the application itself



Legal representative of the capacity provider



Limited liability company

Joint stock company

Limited partnership

General Partnership


Single-person legal representative of the capacity provider in the relevant registry



Legal representative of the capacity provider




Legal representative of the capacity provider




* * for each physical unit comprising the capacity market unit, the appendix 4.2 shall be signed by the partners of the partnership in accordance with the required representation specified in the partnership agreement

** the power of attorney document drawn up in the form of appendix 4.3 shall be signed by the partners of the civil partnership in accordance with the required representation specified in the partnership agreement.


Description of example 1:

Capacity market unit consists of physical cross-border units. The capacity provider (Company A)  is the owner of the physical cross-border units. The capacity provider grants the authorisations to an entity (person) to submit an application for certification (appendix 4.3).

Required Appendices:

Appendix 4.3

Description of example 2:

Capacity market unit consists of physical cross-border unit No. 1 and No. 2. The capacity provider (Company A) is the owner of unit No. 1. Company B is the owner of unit No. 2. Company B grants authorisation to Company A to dispose of unit No. 1 for capacity market processes and to act as the capacity provider for this unit (appendix 4.2).  The capacity provider (Company A) grants its employee the authorisation to submit an application for certification (appendix 4.3).

Required Appendices:

Appendix 4.2 for unit No. 1

Appendix 4.3

Description of example 3:

Capacity market unit consists of physical cross-border unit No. 1 and No. 2. The capacity provider (Company A) does not own any unit. Company B is the owner of unit No. 1 and No. 2. Company B grants authorisation to Company A to dispose of unit No. 1 and No. 2. for capacity market processes and to act as the capacity provider for this unit (appendix 4.2). The capacity provider (Company A) grants its employee the authorisation to submit an application for certification (appendix 4.3).

Required Appendices:

Appendix 4.2 for unit No. 1 and No. 2

Appendix 4.3

 Appendix 7.1

2. Information confirming the ability of physical cross-border unit to provide net maximum capacity during the delivery period for a continuous period not shorter than 4 hours - appendix 7.1 (PL/ENG)

For each physical unit comprising the capacity market unit, appendix 7.1 shall be filled in separately.

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.

Example of Appendix 7.1 for water turbine

Example of Appendix 7.1 for simple cycle gas turbine  

Example of Appendix 7.1 for electrochemical battery 

 Appendix 7.4

3. Confirmation issued by the relevant transmission system operator within whose territory the physical unit is located stating compliance with the actual situation of the technical parameters and location of physical unit - appendix 7.4 (PL/ENG)

For each physical unit comprising the capacity market unit, appendix 7.4 shall be filled in separately.

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.

Example of Appendix 7.4 

 Appendix 7.5

4. Commitment issued by the relevant transmission system operator within whose territory the physical unit is located, to provide the PSE with metering/billing data and data regarding bids submitted by a physical unit on the energy exchange and balancing market - appendix 7.5 (PL/ENG)

For each physical unit comprising the capacity market unit, appendix 7.5 shall be filled in separately.

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.

Example of Appendix 7.5

 Appendix 7.10

5. Data necessary to verify the calculation of unit CO2 emission factor or average annual CO2 emission in regard to generating units constituting physical units forming part of capacity market unit to be created - appendix 7.10 (PL/ENG)

For all the physical units comprising the capacity market unit, appendix 7.10 shall be filled collectively.

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.

Example of Appendix 7.10 for water turbine

Example of Appendix 7.10  for combined cycle gas turbine

Example of Appendix 7.10 for electrochemical battery

 Form for state aid

6. Form containing information provided when applying for state aid other than agricultural of fishing aid, de minimis aid or de minimis aid in agriculture and fishing 

Form should draw up in accordance with the template attached as Annex No 1 (PL/ENG) to the Ordinance of the Council of 1Ministers of 29 March 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 53, item 312) on the scope of information submitted by the entity applying for aid other than agricultural or fishing aid, de minimis aid or de minimis aid in agriculture and fishing, signed by persons entered in the appropriate register as authorized to represent the capacity provider.

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.

How to fill in the information form containing Information provided when applying for state aid other than agricultural or fishing aid, de minimis aid or de minimis aid in agriculture and fishing

 statement of economic situation

7. Statement that regarding the capacity provider and the group of entities associated with it treated as a whole (economic unit), there are no circumstances as referred to in Article 19(1)(11) of the amended Act on the capacity market (PL/ENG)

Please note that the appendices are executed only in Polish.

 financial statements

8. Financial statements for the last 3 financial years

In accordance with the provisions of ยง 2(1) and (2) of the aforementioned regulation, issued on the basis of Article 37(6) of the Act of April 30, 2004, on proceedings concerning state aid (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 743), the applicant shall provide to the entity granting aid, in addition to the identification data and information about the conducted economic activity (on the form concerning state aid), information concerning its economic situation, including approved financial statements for the last 3 financial years, prepared in accordance with accounting regulations.

Economic situation research of a company in the context of participation in the capacity market